  ||      .______|_______\   _ _.                       __/\__       __
  | ._____|      |   _    \     |     __________\_ _____\    /      / /
  : |     |      |         \    | ____\.   _     \      \ ___\___| / /_ _
    |     .      |\_______ _\   |/     :          \   .  \)      |/ /_///
  . |_____|      | .    cG|_____/______|\__________\___\         | /
  :___    :------' |                               _  __\________:/
     7___       ___|                            / // /_//__/  //_//
a group of friends that love noninteractive realtime graphics presentations, that are shown to full halls of drunk people until a global pandemic happened.

involved artists, in random order:

- kaneel
- chunna
- wright & bastard
- pandur
- raytrayza
- ronny
- dino
- alexander
- bagoof
- susencrusen


demoparty jingle


birthday demo

if there was no gravity

demo, assembly 2020


demo, inercia 2020


demo, revision 2020


demo, deadline 2019
- watch on youtube
- run realtime version
- pouet

evoke 2019

jingle, evoke 2019
- watch on youtube
- run realtime version
- pouet


demo, deadline 2018
- watch on youtube
- run realtime version (webgl >=2)
- pouet


demo, revision 2018
- watch on youtube
- run realtime version (webgl >=2)
- pouet


dj/vj set, demobit 2018
- watch on youtube

is massive

demo, trsac 2017
- run realtime version (webgl >=2)
- download (windows)

hold on

demo, deadline 2017
- run realtime version (13mb) (chrome/firefox)
- download (windows)


demo, revision 2017 / webgl invitation to the 20th evoke
- run realtime version (chrome/firefox)
- download
- pouet discussion

back to laser

vjing, kosmonaut 2016
- watch preview


demo, revision 2016
- run realtime version (chrome)
- download


demo, deadline 2015
- run realtime version (chrome/firefox/safari)
- download
- pouet discussion

party heart

invitation demo, outline 2013, not released under holon, but made by holon artists
- download executable (windows)
- download executable (mac os x)

- watch video version online (youtube)
- download screenshots
- pouet discussion


demo, evoke 2010
- download executable (windows)
- watch video version online (vimeo)
- pouet discussion

shiny new plastic

demo, breakpoint 2010
- download executable (windows)
- watch video version online (capped.tv)
- pouet discussion


4k, breakpoint 2009
- download executable (windows)
- download ATI compatible version (windows)

- download video (xvid/mp3/720p)
- watch video version online (vimeo.com)
- pouet discussion

- view screenshots
- download screenshots

diego on e

demo, breakpoint 2008
- download executable (windows)
- download video (xvid/mp3/720p)
- watch video version online (vimeo.com)
- pouet discussion
- view screenshots
- wallpapers