. || .______|_______\ _ _. __/\__ __ | ._____| | _ \ | __________\_ _____\ / / / : | | | \ | ____\. _ \ \ ___\___| / /_ _ | . |\_______ _\ |/ : \ . \) |/ /_/// . |_____| | . cG|_____/______|\__________\___\ | / :___ :------' | _ __\________:/ 7___ ___| / // /_//__/ //_// /__/ [holon]a group of friends that love noninteractive realtime graphics presentations, that are shown to full halls of drunk people until a global pandemic happened.
involved artists, in random order:
- kaneel
- chunna
- wright & bastard
- pandur
- raytrayza
- ronny
- dino
- alexander
- bagoof
- susencrusen
- kaneel
- chunna
- wright & bastard
- pandur
- raytrayza
- ronny
- dino
- alexander
- bagoof
- susencrusen
demo, revision 2017 / webgl invitation to the 20th evoke
demo, deadline 2015
party heart
invitation demo, outline 2013, not released under holon, but made by holon artists
demo, evoke 2010
shiny new plastic
demo, breakpoint 2010
4k, breakpoint 2009
diego on e
demo, breakpoint 2008